Results for 'Sofia Marina Antoniello'

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  1.  40
    From Pandemia to Polifonia: Community “Declaration of Dependence”.Marina Santi, Sofia Marina Antoniello & Alessandra Cavallo - 2023 - Childhood and Philosophy 19:01-28.
    In times of crisis, connections among people, cultures, and societies seem to be the main antidotes available against the risks of individualism, auto-referentiality, and a revenge culture. Connectivity offers opportunities to nurture human generativity (Santi, 2021) in the service of better futures and cosmopolitan scenarios, contrasting the delusion of autarchical economies, the rhetoric of political nationalism, and the reinforcement of social polarization by way of competition/marginalization, which applies to education as well. The pandemia that occurred in 2020 brought both risks (...)
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    Le tutorat par les pairs en contexte universitaire. Une étude de cas.Ilias-Vasileios Papaïoannou, Sofia Tsioli & Marina Vihou - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 4 (4):46-55.
    The purpose of this article is to present an educative experience carried out in a university context, in order to discuss of the ways that peer tutoring could contribute to the development of the pedagogical skills of future and novice teachers of French as a Foreign Language. The aforementioned case study lasted throughout an academic semester and involved undergraduate and graduate students.
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    It would be pretty immoral to choose a random algorithm.Helena Webb, Menisha Patel, Michael Rovatsos, Alan Davoust, Sofia Ceppi, Ansgar Koene, Liz Dowthwaite, Virginia Portillo, Marina Jirotka & Monica Cano - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 17 (2):210-228.
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to report on empirical work conducted to open up algorithmic interpretability and transparency. In recent years, significant concerns have arisen regarding the increasing pervasiveness of algorithms and the impact of automated decision-making in our lives. Particularly problematic is the lack of transparency surrounding the development of these algorithmic systems and their use. It is often suggested that to make algorithms more fair, they should be made more transparent, but exactly how this can be (...)
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    Speech acts in context.Marina Sbisà - 2002 - Language & Communication 22 (4):421-436.
    This paper argues for a reorientation of speech act theory towards an Austin-inspired conception of speech acts as context-changing social actions. After an overview of the role assigned to context by Austin, Searle, and other authors in pragmatics, it is argued that the context of a speech act should be considered as constructed as opposed to merely given, limited as opposed to extensible in any direction, and objective as opposed to cognitive. The compatibility of such claims with each other is (...)
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  5. Ascriptions of Responsibility.Marina Oshana - 1997 - American Philosophical Quarterly 34 (1):71 - 83.
  6. Diachronic or Counterfactual? Temporal Well-Being and Changing Attitudes.Marina Moreno - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.
    In his paper “Wellbeing and Changing Attitudes Across Time”, Krister Bykvist investigates the challenge that changing attitudes pose for attitude-sensitive theories of well-being in determining temporal wellbeing. He offers both a useful tool to investigate the conceptual space of possible answers, namely an attitudinal matrix, as well as a seemingly plausible constraint on such an answer, which he terms ‘diagonalism’. This paper draws on his matrix to provide an argument against diagonalism and offer an error theory regarding its intuitive force. (...)
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    Direct and indirect ways of managing epistemic asymmetries when eliciting memories.Marina Gall, Sandra Dowling, Joe Webb & Val Williams - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (2):199-215.
    This article aims to explore how epistemic status is negotiated during talk about the life memories of one speaker. Direct questions which foreground ‘remembering’ can lead to troubled sequences of talk. However, interlocutors sometimes frame their first parts as ‘co-rememberings’, and the sequential positioning of these can be crucial to the outcome of the talk. We draw on almost 10 hours of video data from dementia settings, where memory is a talked-about matter. Our focus is on 30 sequences which are (...)
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    Mythological Aspects of Supreme Power Concept by Eusebius Pamphilus.Marina Savelieva - 2024 - Conatus 9 (1):157-171.
    The article deals with one of the earliest Christian interpretations of the supreme secular power created by Eusebius Pamphilus, Bishop of Caesarea, during the life of the first Christian emperor Constantine the Great. It is proved that the concept by Eusebius contains mythological ideas transformed in a Christian context. In particular, the main focus of the interpretation of the Lord is the recognition of Him as Pantocrator [Παντοκράτωρ – the Lord of all] endowed with infinite power and authority over the (...)
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  9. Kant’s Robust Theory of Grace.Jacqueline Mariña - 2017 - Con-Textos Kantianos 6:302-320.
    In this paper I argue against two prevailing views of Kant’s Religion. Against commentators such as Michalson and Quinn, who have argued that Kant’s project in Religion is riddled with inconsistencies and circularities, I show that a proper understanding of Kant’s views on grace reveals these do not exist. And contra commentators that attribute to Kant at best a minimalist conception of grace, I show that Kant’s view of it is remarkably robust. I argue that Kant works with three different (...)
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  10. Moral Accountability.Marina Oshana - 2004 - Philosophical Topics 32 (1-2):255-274.
    The principal aim of this essay is to explore aspects of the phenomenon of moral conversation at work in ascriptions of responsibility. A corollary aim will be to understand the variety of freedom we regard as foundational to ascriptions of responsibility. To ascribe responsibility to a person is to judge that the person is accountable for her behavior. Accountability demands that a person be a moral interlocutor; being a moral interlocutor requires that a person is alert to moral reasons in (...)
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    Head, Heart, Odor, and Shadow: The Structure of the Self, the Emotional World, and Ritual Performance among Senoi Temiar.Marina Roseman - 1990 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 18 (3):227-250.
  12. Thomas Reid: Philosophy of Mind.Marina Folescu - 2015 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This is an encyclopedia entry that can be accessed following this link: -/- In philosophy of mind, Reid is most celebrated today for the arguments he gave in support of the position known as direct realism, which, at its most basic, states that the primary objects of sense perception are physical objects, not ideas in human minds. However, Reid’s philosophy of mind neither begins nor ends with perception. In addition to arguing for direct realism and, consequently, against “the way (...)
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    Negativity in the Heart of Nature: A Study of Art of Vincent Van Gogh through Hegel, Nietzsche, and Heidegger.Marina Marren - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 7 (2):139-157.
    The focus of this essay is the art of Vincent van Gogh and the way in which van Gogh’s understanding of nature informs his landscape painting. Van Gogh’s descriptions of the relationship between na...
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  14. Christology and Anthropology in Friedrich Schleiermacher.Jacqueline Mariña - 2005 - In The Cambridge Companion to Friedrich Schleiermacher. Cambridge University Press.
    In my chapter "Christology and Anthropology in Friedrich Schleiermacher,” I discuss Schleiermacher's understanding of both the person and work of Christ. Schleiermacher's dialogue with the orthodox Christological tradition preceding him, as well as his understanding of the work of Christ, is founded on a critical analysis of the fundamental person-forming experience of being in relation to Christ and the community founded by him. I provide an analysis of Schleiermacher's discussion of the difficulties surrounding the use of the word "nature" in (...)
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  15. Kafka, tiempo y posibilidad.Marina Gorali - 2013 - In XXVI Jornadas Argentinas y V Argentino-Chilenas de Filosofía Jurídica y Social. Editorial Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de la Nación. pp. pp. 103-110.
    La literatura de Kafka no es ciertamente complaciente, obliga al lector a releer una y otra vez. El sentido no está dado allí en el texto sino desplazado, porque la única manera que tiene de acontecer es en lo ausente, en lo inacabado. En diálogo con V. Karam, el presente artículo pretende recorrer parte de esa huella, intentando repensar allí la inasibilidad del tiempo, de la ley y de la interpretación.
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  16. Dora Benjamin: denkbilder de una crítica social (2023).Marina Gorali - manuscript
    El artículo intenta recuperar la figura de Dora Benjamin como referente de la crítica social, reconstruyendo las huellas de aquello que el silencio de su imagen posibilita interpretar.
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  17. Derecho y Estructuralismo: algo de lo que es preciso hablar en voz alta.Marina Gorali - 2015 - Revista Digital de Carrera Docente Facultad de Derecho UBA:30-43.
    ¿Qué relación hay entre derecho y lenguaje? Y ¿entre lenguaje y ley? ¿Cómo se inicia la serie de la juridicidad? ¿Qué la posibilita? Una característica hace de lo humano algo aparte de lo vivo: la palabra. El presente trabajo pretende recorrer parte de esta huella, intentando repensar allí la centralidad del lenguaje en la estructuración misma de la juridicidad. Volverse al lenguaje es, en definitiva –como señala P. Sneh– un gesto político.
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    Neurophysiological Correlates of Fast Mapping of Novel Words in the Adult Brain.Marina J. Vasilyeva, Veronika M. Knyazeva, Aleksander A. Aleksandrov & Yury Shtyrov - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  19. Los dos cuerpos de la Ley. Una des-lectura semiótica del derecho a partir de la ficción geminada.Marina Gorali - manuscript
    En “The King´s two bodies” Kantorowicz explora la ficción legal de los dos cuerpos del Rey: cuerpo mortal y cuerpo político. Ficción en la cual el rey, constituido como persona ficta, trasciende la temporalidad de cualquier cuerpo individual sobre la idea de “dignitas non moritur”. El presente trabajo pretende abordar la lectura de esa dualidad corporal encarnada en el derecho a través de un doble registro: cuerpo textual y cuerpo imaginario, explorando asimismo cómo el discurso jurídico se construye en el (...)
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  20. Derecho y pandemia. El escándalo de la muerte contemporánea.Marina Gorali - 2022 - Revista Electrónica Del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales Ambrosio Gioja 28.
    Jean Luc Nancy (2020) refería a la pandemia como un virus demasiado humano. Esto es un virus ligado a nuestros modos de producción y consumo; al uso ilimitado de todas las fuerzas disponibles, naturales y humanas, con miras a una producción que no tiene otra finalidad más que ella misma. El virus, señala Nancy, viene a señalarnos que hay límites. A partir de esta lectura, el artículo propone tres aportes conceptuales para repensar nuestro modo de habitar el mundo. Mundo no (...)
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  21. Transcendental Arguments for Personal Identity in Kant’s Transcendental Deduction.Jacqueline Mariña - 2011 - Philo 14 (2):109-136.
    One of the principle aims of the B version of Kant’s transcendental deduction is to show how it is possible that the same “I think” can accompany all of my representations, which is a transcendental condition of the possibility of judgment. Contra interpreters such as A. Brook, I show that this “I think” is an a priori (reflected) self-consciousness; contra P. Keller, I show that this a priori self-consciousness is first and foremost a consciousness of one’s personal identity from a (...)
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  22. Deseo, comunidad política y enseñanza jurídica.Marina Gorali - 2021 - Revista Del Centro Para El Desarrollo Docente - Facultad de Derecho UBA 11:34.
    En una entrevista realizada en la Revista Pratiques, Barthes plantea una pregunta de profunda relevancia para la enseñanza jurídica: ¿cómo reinscribir el deseo en los pliegues de un espacio de saber institucional? La mayoría de las veces nos preocupamos por los contenidos en la enseñanza. Pero la tarea no se centra solamente allí, advierte. El verdadero problema es saber cómo se puede poner en el contenido, en la temporalidad de una clase valores o deseos que no están previstos por la (...)
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  23. Schleiermacher on the Philosopher’s Stone: the Shaping of Schleiermacher’s Early Ethics by the Kantian Legacy.Jacqueline Mariña - 1999 - Journal of Religion 79 (2):193-215.
    This article explores the early Schleiermacher's attempts to deal with difficult philosophical problems arising from Kant's ethics, specifically Kant's notion of transcendental freedom. How do we connect a transcendentally free act with the nature of the subject? Insofar as the act is transcendentally free, it cannot be understood in terms of causes, and this means that it cannot be connected with the previous state of the individual before he or she engaged in the act. I work through Schleiermacher's grappling with (...)
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    Un intelectual en busca de una ética.José Antonio Marina - 1997 - Isegoría 15:109-126.
  25. Selfhood and Relationality.Jacqueline Mariña - 2017 - In Joel Rasmussen, Judith Wolfe & Johannes Zachhuber, The Oxford Handbook of Nineteenth-Century Christian Thought. Oxford University Press. pp. 127-142.
    Nineteenth century Christian thought about self and relationality was stamped by the reception of Kant’s groundbreaking revision to the Cartesian cogito. For René Descartes (1596-1650), the self is a thinking thing (res cogitans), a simple substance retaining its unity and identity over time. For Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), on the other hand, consciousness is not a substance but an ongoing activity having a double constitution, or two moments: first, the original activity of consciousness, what Kant would call original apperception, and second, (...)
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  26. Schleiermacher, Realism, and Epistemic Modesty: A Reply to my Critics.Jacqueline Mariña - 2010 - In Brent W. Sockness & Wilhelm Gräb, Schleiermacher, the Study of Religion, and the Future of Theology: A Transatlantic Dialogue. de Gruyter.
    This paper explores two themes—Schleiermacher’s realism and his perspectivalism—and their significance for a theory of religion. I show that Schleiermacher's theory offers an account of human subjectivity and epistemological modesty that at the same time allows us to affirm the reality of the Absolute.
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  27. Entre las letras o el silencio de Occidente: huella y sentido en la interpretación jurídica.Marina Gorali - manuscript
    Hay una profundidad en la letra, entre las letras, que solo la lectura es capaz de enunciar. Enunciación que evoca la pregunta por la violencia de la palabra misma, su ambición de significar. La letra, en cambio, es un acontecer sutil. No hay escritor ni lector que pueda estrecharla, reducirla, asfixiar su siempre prosódica pulsión. Hay otros signos que la letra codicia -dice Jabes- signos borrados que el gesto reproduce en lo que nombra. El presente trabajo pretende interrogar la tradición (...)
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  28. El lenguaje del derecho: una cuestión de tiempo. Reflexiones críticas en contextos de pandemia.Marina Gorali - 2021 - In Enseñar derecho en tiempo de pandemia: debates y reflexiones. Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
    Los escenarios de inequidad y exclusión que exhibe nuestra contemporaneidad agudizados por las complejidades sanitarias y habitacionales producidas por la pandemia, el lastre de los discursos xenófobos, el racismo persistente, las violencias sacrificiales que producen día a día más cuerpos desechables, la explotación creciente del medio ambiente, la crisis del capitalismo depredador expuesta con gran nitidez en este último 2020 en el mundo, nos demandan con urgencia desde el campo jurídico pero también académico y docente el intercambio colectivo de aportes (...)
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  29. Lecturas posestructuralistas para una crítica decolonial: repensando las subjetividades jurídicas.Marina Gorali - 2023 - Revista Movimiento 46.
    El presente trabajo pretende explorar las contribuciones que lecturas y categorías posestructuralistas ofrecen a la conformación de una crítica decolonial. En particular, se orienta a la recuperación del concepto de tercer espacio desarrollado por Homi Bhabha, la reinscripción de una política del reconocimiento en las figuraciones del lenguaje propuesta por Julia Kristeva y la crítica al humanismo de Sylvia Wynter. Lejos de confundir colonialismo y colonialidad o estudios poscoloniales y decoloniales, el artículo intenta dar cuenta de su íntima productividad. Es (...)
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  30. Holiness.Jacqueline Mariña - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn, A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This essay analyzes the category of “the holy” as developed by Rudolf Otto, examining his division of the holy into rational and non-rational elements. While rational elements of the holy are closely tied to ethics, another aspect of the holy can only be apprehended through sui generis feelings irreducible to other mental states. But how do non-rational elements relate to rational, ethical categories? I trace the distinction between rational and non-rational elements in Otto’s analysis to Kant’s two faculty psychology: the (...)
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  31. On Some Presumed Gaps in Kant's Refutation of Idealism.Jacqueline Marina - 2004 - In Udo Rameil, Metaphysik und Kritik. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 153-166.
    Kant’s aim in the Refutation of Idealism is to show that the temporal determination of inner experience presupposes outer experience. Commentators have rightly noted the extraordinarily compressed character of Kant's argument, and numerous gaps in the argument have been pointed out. In this paper I focus on two of these gaps and provide a reconstruction of Kant's argument that closes them.
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  32. Theism in 19th and 20th Century Intellectual Life.Jacqueline Mariña - 2012 - In Charles Taliaferro, Victoria S. Harrison & Stewart Goetz, The Routledge Companion to Theism. Routledge.
    This chapter traces how theism was developed by leading 19th and 20th century figures (Schleiermacher, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Rahner, and Tillich) responding to Kant’s Copernican revolution in philosophy. Part one deals with the ontological nature of subjectivity itself and what it reveals about the conditions of the possibility of a subject’s relation to the Absolute. Part two explores the role of subjectivity and interiority in the individual’s relation to God, and part three takes a look at the theme of the (...)
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  33. Enseñanza, crítica y acción en el campo jurídico: pensando junto a Duncan Kennedy.Marina Gorali - 2018 - Revista Electrónica. Instituto de Investigaciones Ambrosio L. Gioja 20:248-259.
    Pensar es trabajar en transformar el pensamiento, escribía Meschonnic. La crítica es, ante todo, eso: reflexionar precisamente sobre lo que nuestros saberes nos impiden saber. Un gesto que transforma a partir de la interrogación misma. En diálogo con el Profesor Duncan Kennedy, el presente trabajo pretende repensar la relación entre enseñanza, crítica y acción en el campo jurídico, insistiendo en la necesidad de reinscribir la crítica no como develamiento de una “verdad esencial” oculta sino como una praxis que transforme a (...)
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  34. Schleiermacher Between Kant and Leibniz.Jacqueline Mariña - 2004 - In Christine Helmer, Marjorie Suchocki, John Quiring & Katie Goetz, Whitehead and Schleiermacher: Open Systems in Dialogue. De Gruyter.
    This paper takes stock of Leibnizian influences on Schleiermacher's thought through an examination and comparison of the views of Leibniz, Kant, and Schleiermacher on predication. I analyze each thinker's foundational ontological and epistemological commitments and their implications for their understanding of predication. More specifically, I explore whether Schleiermacher's adoption of Leibiniz' theory of the complete concept and the theory of prediction it entails conflicts with his adoption of Kant's two-source theory of knowledge. I conclude that it does, and that it (...)
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  35. El silencio de lo justo: una mirada crítica sobre justicia y democratización.Marina Gorali - 2016 - In La decisión judicial y el rol de los tribunales en el Estado democrático de derecho. INFoJUS - SAIJ. pp. 179-188.
    Nadie sabe lo que quiere la Justicia porque la justicia no se deja escribir. Cuando digo escribir, digo instituir. La Justicia no se deja instituir. Con ello debe lidiar la actividad judicial, con el límite mismo, con la propia imposibilidad. Límite que exhibe oculto que hay algo allí que no hace cuerpo. Que hay algo que el orden de lo simbólico no logra apresar. Legendre decía: en occidente, instituir es escribir. Instituir a los hombres es ante todo, escribirlos, inscribirlos, ¿marcar (...)
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  36. Transformation and Personal Identity In Kant.Jacqueline Marina - 2000 - Faith and Philosophy 17 (4):479-497.
    In this paper I explore how Kant’s development of the idea of the disposition in the Religion copes with problems implied by Kant’s idea of transcendental freedom. Since transcendental freedom implies the power of absolutely beginning a state, and therefore of absolutely beginning a series of the consequences of that state, a transcendentally free act is divorced from the preceding state of an agent, and would thus seem to be divorced from the agent’s character as well. The paper is divided (...)
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  37. Kants Vorsehungskonzept auf dem Hintergrund der Deutschen Schulphilosophie und-theologie (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, vol. 149). By Ulrich Lehner.Jacqueline Mariña - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (1):148-149.
    Review of Ulrich Lehner's Kant's Vorsehungskonzept auk diem Hintergrund der Deutschen Schulphilosophie und Theologie.
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  38. Hospitalidad y hostilidad: apuntes para pensar el poder.Marina Gorali - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía Del Derecho (Infojus):119.
    El presente trabajo pretende abordar la tensión entre los conceptos de hospitalidad y hostilidad, intentando mostrar allí el papel fundamental que desempeña la extranjería como clave política para sustraer al poder del encierro mismo que la verticalidad genera; aspirando a ofrecer así una mirada a una otra temporalidad.
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    The Feminine Subject and Female Body in Discourse about Childbirth.Marina Sbisà - 1996 - European Journal of Women's Studies 3 (4):363-376.
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    Competencias digitales docentes: una perspectiva de enseñanza rural.Marina Fernández Miranda & Adolfo Antenor Jurado Rosas - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-13.
    La pandemia COVID-19 ha planteado retos, donde las TIC se ha convertido en una necesidad básica para la humanidad, en este contexto se cuestionó las capacidades de los docentes para hacer frente a los cambios. Tiene una metodología mixta pre- experimental, participaron 49 docentes y se aplicó cuestionario, rubrica y Pre Test/Post Test, con valores 0.890; 0.91, 0.97 de Cronbach. Los hallazgos demostraron que las dimensiones, comunicación, creación de contenidos, resultaron muy altas, mientras que la dimensión seguridad y solución de (...)
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    Fichte’s Nationalist Rhetoric and the Humanistic Project of Bildung.Marina F. Bykova - 2016 - In Daniel Breazeale & Tom Rockmore, Fichte's Addresses to the German Nation Reconsidered. SUNY Press. pp. 133-151.
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  42. Lo indecible y lo aún por decir (2024).Marina Gorali - manuscript
    Benjamin hablaba de una verdad en el nombre. Una verdad que el nombre habla. Verdad muda que sin embargo, casi al borde del relato, habla. ¿Cómo hacer de esta herida un nombre? ¿Cómo escribir en la letra lo indecible mismo que habita el orden precario de lo humano? ¿Cómo sostener en el texto jurídico aquello incapaz de inscribir el habla misma? El presente artículo pretende abordar la pregunta por lo indecible en la escena jurídica a partir de un doble registro: (...)
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  43. The 'fusion of horizons' on knowledge and alterity: Is inter-traditional understanding attainable through situated transcendence?Marina Vitkin - 1995 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 21 (1):57-76.
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    Legitimising the Primacy of Children’s Rights.Marina Lalatta Costerbosa - 2023 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 109 (1):8-31.
    The aim of this paper is to show that the legal protection of children must be recognised as a priority. The moral rights of children are fundamental rights with different degrees of generality. They not only reflect the fact that children merit justice, but are also indispensable for the promotion of justice in society in general, thus allowing other rights, including those of adults, to be safeguarded appropriately. The rule of law and its role in reducing violence go hand in (...)
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    Revisión sistemática sobre el enfoque del pensamiento visible en las Enseñanzas Artísticas.Marina Landa Maymó & Inés María Monreal Guerrero - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-13.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión sistemática que posibilite dar información a la comunidad científica sobre el estado de la cuestión de la implementación del enfoque de pensamiento visible dentro de los centros de enseñanzas artísticas. Si la pedagogía del instrumento utiliza dicho enfoque para conseguir que los estudiantes adquieran capacidad comprensiva, el estudio demuestra que hay un limitado número de publicaciones científicas específicas que aborden dicho objeto de estudio y que, por ende, existe un amplio campo (...)
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    ‘Eugenie’ ebbre?Marina Albertocchi - 2012 - Kernos 25:57-74.
    La révision du matériel mis au jour lors des fouilles de P. Orlandini dans le sanctuaire extra-urbain de Bitalemi à Géla dans les années 1960 conduit à s’interroger sur les pratiques rituelles accomplies en ce lieu et sur la fonction de la céramique qu’on y a trouvée. L’attention se porte sur un certain nombre de cratères, dont la fonction principale est le mélange de vin et d’eau. Mettant en doute la consommation de vin durant les Thesmopho­ries célébrées dans le sanctuaire, (...)
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    A Poem of Philes to Makarios Chrysokephalos? The Case of Poem Florentinus 58.Marina Bazzani - 2011 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 104 (1):55-69.
    Manuel Philes dedicated countless occasional poems to his many benefactors to praise their qualities and ask for all sorts of assistance, both spiritual and material. This article analyses one of these compositions, namely poem Flor. 58, and offers a commentary of its language and content. On the basis of the imagery, repetitions and allusions present in the text, it is argued that this untitled poem was in fact dedicated to the scholar and metropolitan of Philadelphia Makarios Chrysokephalos to request the (...)
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    Mission during the COVID-19 Pandemic.Marina Ngursangzeli Behera - 2020 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 37 (4):317-326.
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    Approach to Resource Management and Physical Strength Predict Differences in Helping: Evidence From Two Small-Scale Societies.Marina Butovskaya, Michalina Marczak, Michał Misiak, Dmitry Karelin, Michał Białek & Piotr Sorokowski - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Helping behavior is likely to have evolved to increase summary chances for survival of an individual and their group. Nevertheless, populations differ significantly in their eagerness to help, and still little is known about populational and inter-individual determinants of these differences. Previous studies indicated that economic and physiological factors might influence helping behavior. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of approach to resource management of a society (immediate-return economy vs. delayed-return economy), prenatal androgenization (based on (...)
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  50.  27
    Methods of analysis of a modern university’s presence in the Internet communicative space.Marina N. Bychkova & Gulnafist A. Okushova - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (1):89-100.
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